Genndy Tartakovsky,A – Midjourney Prompt

MJ提示词大全2023年5月19日 03:44发布 1年前 (2024)更新过 壹丰科技
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Midjourney Prompt

shimmering window by genndy tartakovsky, asaf hanuka.:: figure, person, silhouette::-.3

(复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可)

Midjourney Prompt 翻译

Genndy Tartakovsky,Asaf Hanuka的闪闪发光的窗户:人物,剪影::-.3

AI 绘画 Midjourney 示意图

Genndy Tartakovsky,A – Midjourney Prompt

Gedy Tartakovsky is a America aimator, director, ad producer. He is best kow for creatig popular aimated series such as Samurai Jack, Dexter’s Laboratory, ad Star Wars: Cloe Wars. Tartakovsky has wo multiple Primetime Emmy Awards for his cotributios to the aimatio idustry. He is kow for his uique style that bleds actio, humor, ad storytellig. His expertise i aimatio has eared him a place i the Aimatio Hall of Fame.

Asaf Hauka is a Israeli comic book artist, illustrator, ad writer. He has created his ow graphic ovel, The Realist, which is a semi-autobiographical tale about his life i Israel. Hauka’s work ofte deals with themes of culture, idetity, ad politics. His style is kow for its distict use of color ad lie work. Hauka has wo multiple awards for his work, icludig the Eiser Award for Best Graphic Album-New i 2016.

Both Tartakovsky ad Hauka are well-respected creators i their respective fields. They brig a uique perspective ad style to their work that sets them apart from others. They have cotributed greatly to the aimatio ad comic book idustries, pushig the boudaries of storytellig ad art. Their work has iflueced ad ispired may, ad will cotiue to do so for years to come.

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