
一名宇航员在轨道上,背景是彩色星星,以迷 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt an astronaut in an orbit with colored stars in the background, in the style of psychedelic color palette, light black, sfumato, i...

一个由古怪的人物和超现实的经历组成的世界 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a world populated by eccentric characters and surreal experiences 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可) ...

拉斐尔·拉科斯特的风格,天蓝色和洋红色 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a cityscape that looks like it will be infallible, in the style of raphael lacoste, sky-blue and magenta, alien worlds, daniel f....

展现了未来主义玻璃建筑群风格【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt Amazing in oil painting environmental art in the style of a futuristic glass supperstructure, next to a small waterfall cascadin...

一张8K插画,展示了一幅美丽景象【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt This is an 8K illustration featuring a beautiful scene of a flying crane in a clear blue sky over ancient Chinese architecture,...

Nychos的橙色爆炸【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt Explode orange by Nychos 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可) Midjourney Prompt 翻译 'Nychos的橙色...

太阳落山时,天空变成了美丽的橙色和粉色【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt As the sun sets, the sky turns into a beautiful shade of orange and pink, and flocks of birds fly across the horizon. The air i...

在敦煌壁画风格中,人们在山谷中迷路【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt In the Dunhuang mural style, the people lost their way in the valley, and the gods and beasts appeared from the sky, and the go...

描绘春天之美,如盛开的花朵【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt Depict the beauty of spring, such as blooming flowers, lush grass, and chirping birds, to express the beauty of life and hope.•...

二十四节气【Midjourney Prompt】

Midjourney Prompt 二十四节气, graphic design, white background, soft light, high detail, 4k 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney...
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