
一名宇航员在轨道上,背景是彩色星星,以迷 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt an astronaut in an orbit with colored stars in the background, in the style of psychedelic color palette, lig...
一个由古怪的人物和超现实的经历组成的世界 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a world populated by eccentric characters and surreal experiences 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Mi...
白色和浅蓝色的玩偶小屋,卧室,动漫灵感风 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a white and light blue dollhouse ,a bedroom,in the style of anime-inspired,2-floors,voxel art,subtle pastel h...
一幅在水下游泳的女人的油画,以超现实主义 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a painting of a woman swimming underwater, in the style of hyperrealistic paintings, light blue and orange, c...
拉斐尔·拉科斯特的风格,天蓝色和洋红色 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a cityscape that looks like it will be infallible, in the style of raphael lacoste, sky-blue and magenta, ali...
一个卡通女孩,带着一本书,穿着蓝色连衣裙 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a cartoon girl with a book and blue dress, in the style of glamorous kitsch, light orange and pink, kawaii ch...
矩形书签,插图,终极飞盘,灵感来自自然元 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt rectangular bookmark, illustration, ultimate frisbee, inspired by elements of nature, 5-color cold palette, v...
机器人武士猫角色可爱风格化3D红移渲染多 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt cyborg samurai cat character cute stylized 3d redshift render colorful funny 点击去复制海报分享 (复制或参考...
经过几个专题的学习,我们基本将 text prompt 框架里包含的元素都过了一遍,但大家可能会觉得内容不好记忆,所以本章我会对框架进行总结...
本章节主要是介绍几个我很喜欢,但不知道如何归类的场景。 不过我写完这一章,我发现他们都很适合变现,比如制作实体货物啥的 😂 贴纸​ ...
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