
树干上心形的雏菊花环,色彩丰富,细节错综 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a daisy wreath in the shape of a heart on a tree trunk, rich colours, intricate details, high definition, rea...
超现实主义,极端微距特写照片,蘑菇,彩虹 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt hyperrealism, extreme macro close up photo of mushrooms, rainbow colors, wet, translucence, backlit 点击去复...
表面像植物一样的绿色相机,具有赛伯斯蒂蒸 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a green camera shaped like plants on a surface, in the style of cybermysticsteampunk, meticulously crafted sc...
夕阳下的一座厚重的Imasto山,用梵高 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt a thick impasto mountain at sunset, painted with vibrant oils in the style of Van Gogh, capturing the Romanti...
地上的一些蘑菇呈粉红色,具有海报艺术的风 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt some mushrooms on the ground in a pink color, in the style of poster art, detailed skies, heavy outlines, rog...
GPT-4 + Midjourney V5:天作之合
GPT 4 由 OpenAI 开发,是一种强大的语言模型,可以根据上下文理解和生成类似人类的文本。 它可以为 Midjourney V5 生成提示,Midjourne...
上一周AI届真是太热闹了。诸多重磅产品相继发布或更新。   文字大模型的头号玩家GPT升级到GPT-4,变得更加强大;微软也在office中应用...
花瓣上的蜜蜂和中间的蜂头的形象,风格我不 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt an image of bees on the petals of flowers and a bee head in the middle, in the style of i can't believe how b...
粉彩抽象图案、喷绘图案、流动有机形态风格 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt pastel colors abstract pattern, spray painting pattern, style of flowing Organic form, black intersect, flowi...
一只受挫的狐狸的插图,像是为了狐狸而说的 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt an illustration of a frustrated fox resembling a phrase for fox's sake 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快...
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