库诺·阿米特风格的印象派油画,在连绵起伏 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt impressionistic Oil Painting in the style of Cuno Amiet, Farmstead on rolling hills with wildflowers and a large oak tree 点击去...
有图案的明亮背景。克里斯蒂安·拉森风格。 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt patterned bright background. Christian Lassen style. Vivid colors. Mountain valley reflux In the middle of spring, the plants and...
生动的水彩粉色,橙色,灰色,白色,蓝色, – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt vivid watercolor pinks, oranges, grey, white, blues, teal and metallic gold silver and copper leaf highlights by J.C. Leyendecker...
Erin Hanson&Beksinsk – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt oil and Ink Painting in the style of Erin Hanson Beksinski Frazetta Moebius, Close on a massive walled fortress city in the middl...
年轻的成年女性角色设计,穿着一件拿着一罐 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt young-adult female character-design, wearing a t shirt holding a can of energy drink, in the style of celebrity-portraits, approp...
慈爱的老挝利比亚女同性恋者紧贴嘴唇抒情发 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt loving Laotian Libyan lesbians lock lips lyrical luminism lilac lineart 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成...
复古卡通风格的形状为上色页面,有趣和异想 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt retro cartoon style shapes for a coloring page, fun and whimsical collage of sea creatures for a women's adult coloring page, bla...
精美的熊猫肖像,抽象的水彩水墨风格,灰阶 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt portrait of a fine panda,abstract watercolor ink style,grayscale with splashes that reveal vibrant colors, oil painting, beautifu...
蓝色抽象图案,喷绘图案,流畅的有机形态, – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt Blue abstract pattern, spray painting pattern, style of flowing Organic form, blue and black intersect, a little red and white, f...
查尔斯·伦尼·麦金托什风格的惊艳花卉艺术 – Midjourney Prompt
Midjourney Prompt stunning Flower Art in the style of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, thick impasto painting masterpiece 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Pro...